Based in beautiful Bellingham, WA, Players Pickleball isn't far from the birthplace of the sport. As a contract manufacturer, Players Pickleball has made over 50,000 paddles to date and is using that experience to help create the best paddle for you. Founded by a duo of of creative and driven individuals with a varied background in sporting goods development and design, they are a small but agile and powerful team.
Josh Bechtel - Co-Founder/Paddle Builder - With his varied background in education, product development, CAD, marketing, product testing, technical writing, and more, Josh drives progress with his well-rounded analytical approach to design and R&D.

Macy Chillingworth-Bechtel - Executive Omnitasker/Paddle Builder- Macy brings a wealth of customer service experience, impeccable attention to detail, and an all-around capacity to get things done, which landed her the very suitable job title, "Executive Omnitasker".
Salim Garcia - Social Media Coordinator/Paddle Builder - After earning his degree in computer networking, Salim ditched tech to join the Players Pickleball team. Today he builds paddles, coordinates Players’ social media, and relishes his cubicle-free life.
Why is the mascot a squirrel? - To us, pickleball is a sport that above all else, is about fun. It also requires nimbleness of body and mind, a playful spirit, determination, and a clever approach. We wanted a mascot and a logo that embodied all of those traits. Based on our collective experience, a squirrel was the obvious choice.
"Be the Squirrel" - Josh's mantra from many years ago during his college years on the campus of Fresno State in central California. It was finals week and while all of the students were hurrying across campus from one exam to the next, noses buried in textbooks and notes, Josh was taking a mental break from the bustle by sitting in the grass under a large redwood tree. He noticed some of the squirrels that were common on campus playfully chasing each other around tree trunks, bounding in unrestrained play, blissfully unaware of the stress their human neighbors were under. It became a regular reminder in Josh's life that no matter how busy you are, no matter how much stress you may be under, there's always limitless perspective and rejuvenation to be gained by taking a step back from the pressure and letting yourself play. Thus, "Be the Squirrel".